
notes from the heart

Archive for waiting

hot holdout

This heat beats

semibreves for the semi brave

it cheats in fermati held too long

my sheets are liquid squid

long arms that tangle my angle and choke my silence

screams no one hears

madness inside and outside my head

repeat repeat repeat ad nauseam repeat

The only cool at dawn

kisses hello and goodbye in one short preludium

before the refrain of pain

where the drooping lame

hobble their way

through another day

of Covid’s decay



a Life Unwritten

Our life is lived
as our pen strokes the blank page
We leave our marks…
some are scribbled in haste
some are carefully crafted

Each sentence leads to the next
until paragraphs stack in a collection
Thoughts and plans are planted in rows
like seeds

We create a garden of pages
turning one by one the soils of today
until each bears fruits for tomorrow

As we rest we see that chapters
have accumulated
songs and games played
friends and family joined
labors begin to draw us
as if we were the characters in their story

I have many books now
in my library
Some have been thrillers
some comedies
some others tragedies

I know I should keep writing
but my pen seems out of ink
I try dipping it in wells I once held
but I seem not to have the inspiration
or the courage
to create new stories

So here I sit
on the bank of today
listening to nature sing in my ear
This book, in this chapter, upon this page
within this paragraph, this very sentence
which I have yet to write…
waits for that one stroke of the pen
where intent is transformed into purpose
Until then I live a life unwritten

Until the Day We See You Again

I walked by the harbor to see the small boats

They knew I was looking for you.

They sat all alone in water so grey.

I knew they were thinking of you….

I strolled the low tide and kicked at the rocks.

I asked if the shore had seen you.

The waves barely splashed and were brown and dull.

I knew that they longed for you too…

I asked the gulls to sing me the song

That you whistle to me when I’m blue.

They gave me a stare and quietly stood,

And I knew they were lost without you…

A whale burst from the shining sea,

She heard me starting to cry.

Out of the deep she sang along

Her voice was as sad as a sigh.

The pelicans flew in single file  

And landed upon the grey swells.

The waves picked up and splashed at my feet

depositing tiny shells.

I walked beside the water’s edge,

beneath the purplish sky.

One by one, men in small boats 

Rowed out and gathered nearby.

And from their boats they waved and they called 

“We’re here!”, “We’ll wait with you too!”

The pelicans floated much closer to me

And that was the moment I knew.

That all of the Earth and all of the sky… 

The waves and the rocks of the sea…

The people and animals gathered around 

To keep watch and to wait with me.

I’ll wait for you until you come. 

The world will be at my side 

Until the day we see you again.

Sail home to us safe in the tide.

The Citadel

From the safety of the surrounding hills
verdant and lush
I watched the flag wave in The Citadel
In wonder of him,
tall and bold.
For five tear-stained years I watched in silence
His smile was all it took to keep me in wait

He sent word to me
flashes of the depth of his heart
but clad in bloody armor
behind war strewn battlements
wrapped in mystery
and broken in confusion

I dared to approach The Citadel
It was lined with horror stories
of beatings
of injustices
of a mad man
crazy and brash
broken and defiant

Like heads on spikes
that were gaunt and lifeless
warnings stood in the mist

Like overgrown thickets
their barbed wire ready to gouge
the tenderest flesh
I stood holding my basket
a dove on my shoulder

I laid out my lace
The sun shone in my eyes
Even in the midst of the barbed warnings
I hummed in spiritual innocence
Even as the stories of cruelty
filled the air like smoke and stench
I was not afraid

He tried to scare me away time and time again
beating his chest and screaming in nonsense
His one eye ravaged and pained
with teardrop spilling
down his grizzled face

Ultimately five little words found their mark
more than all the bloody spears could
just five words
More threatening than any haunted face
More terrible than any madman’s wild and frustrated utterances
to judges and fools

In five words
not even spoken in his gentle lilt
not even a sentence did they form
He treated my gentle waiting
as less than nothing

I was invited
He promised to meet
He reached out in earnest
and in five callous words
scrawled in apathy
without explanation
without apology
I was brushed off of his boots
like dust.

I gathered my lace swiftly
and departed from The Citadel
and marched far away from that place
My back to it
My soul’s back to it
My footsteps sure and loving moving swiftly as swallows diving
My eyes take in the world ahead of me
where I exist
where I am someone

Where ugliness and combat
could not deter me from purpose or softness
apathy and disrespect did
I am gone from The Citadel forever
For I am more than dust

Apples of Blue

When a boy becomes,
through time’s make-up,
a man in suit and tie

his cartoon monsters
stored on stacks
of yellowed pages die

His little red shoes
no more to play
in muddy puddles deep

he settles in
from nine to five
with appointments he must keep

My wish for such
a tender lad
is simple and it’s fair

for I believe
in such a boy
who’s hardly lost his hair…

He must listen
to his heart
and follow every trail

through the thick
and jungly pass
to imagination’s vale

He must pursue
and keep alive
the flame that lights the way

the boy inside,
though tall and tough,
must resume his play

His heart is tender
I’ve no doubt
for I have seen his soul

but his inner boy
is crying there
within that manly role

On this day
of blessing sweet
vow to open the heavy gate

and run so fast
to find that girl
who is your heart’s playmate

she knows the garden
full of magic
where monsters come to life

where apples of blue
and songs in flight
can melt away your strife

Upon this day
this very day
to celebrate your birth

She waits for you
in a fairy place
to share her guileless mirth


silver pool
azure plane
treasures concealed
thirsty canvas
her tenderness
one pearl from her mouth
exuded intimately
spoken reverently
diamond droplet
of spirit essence
falling falling
through the expanse
frictionless journey
heavy with honor
spinning prism of desire
falling falling
at once
their kiss
rainbows of water
wet with longing
she breaks through his surface
and he consumes her
in concentric circles

someday we will meet

one day closer to your dreams
one day past your nightmares
this stretch of highway
where the horizon plays your heart strings
is an open road
where someday we will meet
I am there waiting
as I always was
as I always will be
put your hand in mine
come fly with me
I’ll show you how

Unfinished Canvases

Pallet knife strokes

crash and coalesce

in night’s tousled seas

their batik colors

reflect bruised clouds

light shafts pierce

moaning waves

their stigmata bleeding red to black


white canvas

screams in quiet contrast

as she scrapes the paint

in tormented scratching

onto knife

waxy smears move like violet butter

she shakes the knife with great satisfaction

and the paint slides off

like so much paisley snot

onto the parquet floor


crossing the room

she opens the window

the city pours in

clanking cables intone

like buddhist monks

as the flag rustles

in apathetic counterpoint

her eyes caress

in horizontal strokes

the rouge stained gauze

that blots out the sun


the ball of her left foot

swells painfully

in it’s desire to escape

heels worn too long


the clock winces forward

in metered man-made rhythms

that draw a grid on the afternoon


she sighs…

every surface

every sound

every thought

all unfinished canvases

that wait like yawning doorways