
notes from the heart

Love by the Water

She knelt at the creek

talking to the water

in a playful dialogue

Peace filled the air

in plumes of orange blossom

eucalyptus and oak moss with

an amber base that cloyed

on petrichore notes

Gnats roiled and undulated

as males danced

in competitive columns

of light beams

where they danced to the rhythm

of the woods

She reclined on the moss

running her fingertips

through the verdant pillow

Her mind floated lazily

His eyes hovered in her mind

glistening like jewels

His voice moved through her

gentle and deep in swaying intonations

His kisses blossomed on her flesh

like holy flowers laid on the river

where they swirled in perfect circles

His hand reached out to hers

clasping in laced gentleness

palms’ conversation freely given

She melted into the bliss

that came

where his love surrounded her

from inside out

and the creek sang along

in whispering chimes

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