
notes from the heart

Archive for July, 2013

Golden Promises

I will wait on you

by this shore where morning breaks

in golden promises

my infirmities will be my long sleep

and in this bed of sand

I will slumber quietly


The birds will keep watch

the foam will make me smile

the waves will be my lullaby

the camp fire will burn bright

that my dreams will not lose their way in the long night


I may not know the day

I may not know the hour

I may not see any further than my own tears

but you will come to wake me from this sleep


And once more I shall dance with abandon

to music I knew so well

each strain memorized like a lovers eyes

each cadence a promise

for another dance


When the stars reflected in your black watery surface

have assembled

I will know each one by name


loved ones lost

and found

their triumphant voices

fill up the holes in my mood


In the lines of my worried brow

you are here

in the spaces between what I want and what I need

you areĀ  here


So now let me slumber

among the shells

where the gateway to eternity

kisses each of my toes

like a proud father