
notes from the heart

Archive for beginnings

a Life Unwritten

Our life is lived
as our pen strokes the blank page
We leave our marks…
some are scribbled in haste
some are carefully crafted

Each sentence leads to the next
until paragraphs stack in a collection
Thoughts and plans are planted in rows
like seeds

We create a garden of pages
turning one by one the soils of today
until each bears fruits for tomorrow

As we rest we see that chapters
have accumulated
songs and games played
friends and family joined
labors begin to draw us
as if we were the characters in their story

I have many books now
in my library
Some have been thrillers
some comedies
some others tragedies

I know I should keep writing
but my pen seems out of ink
I try dipping it in wells I once held
but I seem not to have the inspiration
or the courage
to create new stories

So here I sit
on the bank of today
listening to nature sing in my ear
This book, in this chapter, upon this page
within this paragraph, this very sentence
which I have yet to write…
waits for that one stroke of the pen
where intent is transformed into purpose
Until then I live a life unwritten


Your smiles, so radiant

they light my skies 

Will the sun get over his jealousy?

Your arms reach over ocean trenches

like perfect stitch work:

Even and unswerving

…over billowing golden fields 

cradling the grain like sleeping children

…over frothing rapids

petting tiny fishes therein

…over white peaked mountains that touch the clouds

scooping iced treats to cheer

Your affection moves even the earth

to celebrate your kind heart 

Drops of Glory

From the precipice
soaring giddy
panic stricken against gravity

Fingers touch
feathers unfurl
updraft caught in dizzy expanse
suspended above life’s canopy
whose depth below only God can reach
we soar in silent circles

Close my eyes
that they may reopen
filled with the sight
of gleaming midnight pools
witnessing my soul’s awakening