
notes from the heart

Archive for challenge

Lonely Bard

Her heart
beats in time
to funereal drums

The pyre of her love
quiet ritual
of loss
out to sea

How many
strains of lamentations
will she write
in one lifetime
spill like tears
alkaline white
drying in splotches

In their grief
she listened
now in hers
she sees their

The lonely bard
dips her pen
and finds
her own


Take off the blinders of your expectations

for in each moment awaits a hidden treasure

beyond your wildest imagination!



flying forward 

looking back

where ya headed girl?

nothing back there’s 

there no more

so give your head a twirl


eyes closed tight

don’t see so good

I know you’re terrified

of all the things 

you cannot do

your struggles make you hide


when one step 

is just too big

a baby step’s enough

if that’s too slow 

for all the world

don’t let ’em give ya guff


listen down

beneath the fuss

find that child within

then come back up 

tie your shoes

and take her for a spin


looking forward

not too far

just ride your little bike

pedal fast 

or pedal slow

just take the streets you like


All night I poured over it…

As if through a nick in my armor

in came the images

tormenting and tantalizing

It poured over me


Too wild to ignore

All the ‘what ifs’


to make a cogent reality

My eyes opened

out of fear

hoping to stop the merry-go-round

but the finches’ morning song

did not drown out

the calliope

Back I went

to sleep’s basin

dipping like a thirsty cat tongue

in and out of a fresh pool of rain water

spinning, mulling

brooding, puzzling



A single idea

so provocative…

so life changing…

so terrifying…

so inconvenient…

too bad I can’t remember what it is


Look Forward

look forward

imagine many roads

each one a possibility that can bring a smile,

then start walking

look forward

breathe in hope

share every new smile, even if it’s too new to trust,

someone may need your leadership

look forward

knock on a new door

even if you haven’t prepared yourself

just reach out and do it

look forward

go into the city

smile at strangers

each person is a window to a new universe

look forward

write a poem

using new language that will overcome all darkness

with just your brain power

look forward

venture outside

to dig a weed that bothers you most

the garden will surprise you with it’s gratitude

look forward

call someone you forgot about

stir up something in old still ponds

and feel yourself come alive